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Most frequently asked questions

How will you make us proficient in English?

"We believe in fostering genuine communication where expression flows freely. Our approach empowers you to speak English confidently, without feeling forced. With our guided roadmap, we'll unlock your inner English speaker."

Will you also teach us grammar like others do?

"Absolutely not, Grammar is an essential component of language learning. However, our approach integrates grammar seamlessly into practical communication exercises. You'll learn grammar in context, making it easier to understand and apply naturally in your conversations without getting you stuck in rules and translations."

What If I don’t improve in the given time period?

"If you don't see the progress you expect within the specified timeframe, we'll work closely with you to identify any challenges and adjust our approach accordingly. Our commitment is to your improvement, and we'll strive to ensure you reach your language learning goals, no matter the time it takes even if we have to extend your course duration from our end without any extra charges.”

I am a busy person, what If I miss my class, How will you help me?

"If you happen to miss any of your scheduled classes, we are more than happy to offer compensation by rescheduling each session for a time that is convenient for you on another day."

How much speaking practice you will make us do in a session?

"In each session, we prioritize situational conversational and interactive speaking practice, comprising 70-80% of the session. This hands-on approach ensures you're actively engaged and applying what you've learned in real-world scenarios. Throughout the practice, you'll receive ongoing feedback from your trainer to help refine your speaking skills and boost your confidence."

How can I trust you?

"Building trust is paramount, and we're dedicated to earning yours every step of the way. Our approach is centered on simplifying complex concepts, ensuring you grasp each one thoroughly. Beyond your course completion, our support remains unwavering. You can count on us for guidance during crucial moments like meetings, interviews, or any significant events. Your success is our priority, and we're committed to being there for you whenever you need us."

Everyone’s Favorite: The Must-Take Course

This versatile gem has won the hearts of housewives, students, professionals, and educators alike, proving its universal appeal across diverse lifestyles and occupations.

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